
Colour festival in Nepal

Holi is one of most liked festival by Indian and Nepali people. It is celebrated almost every corner of the both country. It is known as “festival of love and color” as on this day all the friends and relatives get together and forgetting all resentments as well as all types of bad feeling to each other. Holi is famous Hindu festival that is celebrate in every part of Nepal. On the day of Holi people play with different colors with their friends and families and they show love and respect to their closed ones with colors. This festival normally falls in February or March. This festival will welcome for spring season. Although the festival originated from India and still widely celebrated there as a religious festival and later it has been adopted in many places around the world where is Hindu colony. Holi’s different celebrations come from various Hindu legends. According to the one story of how the God Vishnu save his followers Pralad from a Pyre while Pralads evil aunt Holika burned. The night before the Holi festival a Holika Bonfire is burned to celebrate the victory of good over evil. All the government and private organization remain closed in this day.